Hallo, jungs, kann jemand mir Schritt für schritt erklären, wie soll ich Back End übersetzen. Ich habe Joomla 4, Jomsocial 4.8.0
taganaj Hi I could not understand your native language. Can you share the details of the issue with description, screenshot and submit login in edit field as well http://prntscr.com/21bpn0o So i can assist you better on this.
Ninja I need help to translate the Back End of Joomla 4 (Jomsocial 4.8.0) in german, i can't find the options for that. Can you please describe me where i can find this option?
taganaj Hi You can try this package https://www.ijoomla.com/translations/jomsocial/de-DE The backend translation file is here /administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_community.ini