Hallo We run Joomla 4 and Template "JA Intranet". If we try to update the extension "JA Google chart 2" we got the following error: Failed to extract file: download.php_element_mod_jagooglechart_2_version_1.1.1_type_module_16_coreVersion_j16 Could you please help us to resolve this problem? Have thanks in advance. Walter Lieb / Gemeinde Wald ZH
gemeindewaldzh Hi Kindly use JA Extension manager component to update the templates and extensions. here is guide helps you : https://www.joomlart.com/update-steps
Joomla updates system only used to show the new updates notifications as the products are paid.
If I try update it via JA Extension Manager I got the result:
Errors occured during upgrading, please fix them fist MySQL path is not configed MySQL Dump path is not configed Local repository path is not configed
Hi Kindly go to services > add your login info. Also hide NON JA Extensions > Yes in the configurations. Save and retry .