Hi Nicholas,
Thank you for your reply. I've also passed to our T4 team for further checking.
Will keep you posted.
Happy Holidays to you guys!!!
We updated this file in T4: /plugins/system/t4/t4.php
Could you give it a try again?
Now, I cannot access any item in the admin part. I receive the error "Class 'T4Admin\Admin' not found".
But... the cron job succeeded.
I solved the above mentioned issue by renaming t4.php to t4_buggy.php and placed a t4.php back from a backup. Issue solved. But I cannot make a backup via a cron job.
Also, if you have an updated t4.php file, please, sent it over to me via mail or as attachment. Then I can test T4 first on my test environment. Thank you.
We updated the same file on your site, could you check again?
saguaros The frontend is broken!
thestingpilot Could you clarify the issue in more details so I can check?
So I restored the original t4.php and the frontend works again.
saguaros This is the error. Please, sent me an updated t4.php file directly, and do not alter the life environment without asking first. Otherwise, I have no other option than revoking your access. I can give you an Akeeba backup of my site so you can test whatever you want without disturbing my life environment. Thank you.
Hi thestingpilot
Kindly try with this file:
saguaros Good news: this one is working fine. I have tested it on my test environment. Also, the command from the job crob is running fine. I have also installed the updated t4.php file on my life environment. The frontend and backend are working fine. Now waiting for the crob job to run.
thestingpilot Glad to hear that, let me know if you need any further help.
saguaros The cron job has been completed successfully.
thestingpilot That's great!