How can I change the T3 Framework logo in the footer and the link on hover?
Thank you.
havas Hi Please follow this doc: https://www.joomlart.com/documentation/joomla-templates/ja-teline-v/how-to#footer-info Hope it helps.
Ninja https://www.joomlart.com/documentation/joomla-templates/ja-teline-v/how-to#footer-info
file "/tpls/blocks/footer.php" in template "ja_teline_v".
<a class="t3-logo t3-logo-light" href="http://t3-framework.org" title="<?php echo JText::_('T3_POWER_BY_TEXT') ?>"
Replace http://t3-framework.org
In the link there is only closing the logo. I know that. I looked at the document. I want to change the logo and the link on it.
havas Hi Kindly add the Menu item ID for logo link it will be redirected to that menu.
Hi @Ninja
I asked about the T3 Framework logo ? How do I change the T3 Framework logo?
Hi @Ninja,
Thank you very much.
Have nice day! 🙂