Hi there!
I noticed that joomla items aliases changed after migration.
Here are some examples:
K2 item alias „teilaufgabe-1" changed to Joomla item alias „teilaufgabe-1-18"
K2 item alias „teilaufgabe-2a" changed to Joomla item alias „teilaufgabe-2a-75"
and so on... Please see screenshot attached.
Maybe this happens because I often have identical item titels like „Teilaufgabe 1", Teilaufgba 2 ... but in a different category hierarchy, I don't know. And normally this would be undisturbing.
But I was using sh404sef and therefor I have to make redirections for k2 urls.
So my question is: Can I rename the Joomla item aliases to there original names (like k2 item aliases) for making redirection eventually easier?
For example I have to redirect
Best regards