I'm working in Joomla 4 with the JA Kid's Corner template. When I add the shortcode to a content article and view it, the map displays, but, the shortcode is also displaying as text below the map. How do I fix this?
I'm working in Joomla 4 with the JA Kid's Corner template. When I add the shortcode to a content article and view it, the map displays, but, the shortcode is also displaying as text below the map. How do I fix this?
No, there isn't an intro area in this article.
Here is what is in the generator field:
{jaosmap locations='{"location":{"0":"111 N. 49th St. Philadelphia, PA 19139"},"latitude":{"0":"39.9616045"},"longitude":{"0":"-75.2179579"},"info":{"0":"The Mill Creek School"},"icon":{"0":""}}' zoom='8' map_width='720' map_height='300' disable_scrollwheelzoom='0' }{/jaosmap}
I am still having the same issue with the code snippet text displaying as text in the article body. I do have text in the intro section as well as the read more divider. What is causing this problem please? Also, the generator field in the plugin is not showing code.
Actually, I deleted the shortcode and replaced it with a static image of the map. Couldn't get it to work.
How would I override the default template image css? It enlarges the image too big.