I'm getting ready for Joomla 4 and I've tried to migrate a website build with JA Simpli.

When I arrived at the Joomla Update Component I am presented with a Pre-Update Check which provides me with information about the readiness of your server, settings and installed extensions for the update. This tool declares JA Simpli compatible with Joomla 4 , I go on but, after migration, front end is not accessible !
I can access to back end and I replace this template by Cassopeia template : it's working !

This incompatibility is not a surprise but information given by Pre-Update Check is wrong : can you correct it ?

Didier L

    Template work with Joomla 4.
    Can you edit edit fields in first post and submit a temp super user login so i can check the problem on your site?

      a year later


      Thanks a lot for your answer !

      I'm a little busy now and I suggest to install this configuration on test website for midweek

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        4 days later

        didier-l Hi

        Your site seems to be in Joomla 3, not Joomla 4 yet and the login info doesn't work.

        Could you tell me how you want to achieve in LESS? did you try with CSS too?

        My current site is in Joomla 3 ; I have changed less files (changes about colours, polices, styles …) and I have compiled template.less to update css files, especialy template.css. It works ! That means all changes in less files are taken account , I have the new colours, new polices …

        I am preparing migration to Joomla 4 on an local host . Migration was successful but, when I look at front end, I note I have a standard version of JA Simpli, without all changes I have made on less files.

        I suppose I have to compile template-j4.less : how to compile this file .

        • there is no less compiler on Joomla 4 version
        • I try to compile this file on an old Joomla 3 version but it seems it does not work …
          What do you suggest ?

        Best regards
        Didier L

        HI Didier,

        I don't see that compile less feature in Joomla 4, could you share some screenshots?

          Hi Didier,

          You can search for a tool to compile LESS as Joomla 4 already removed that feature.

          I often use Prepros

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