Hi I have a site with ja mason where I used ja builder, included in the quickstart installation, in almost all the pages. I have done a lot of tests and the only way to ensure that the update to j4 does not give an error is to uninstall ja builder first. But obviously with this solution I would lose all the contents. How can I do? thank you in advance, Francus

    If your website use JA Page builder, you must have to wait for its update for Joomla 4.
    Since it is in plan for Joomla 4 updates.
    At the moment the codebase does not support Joomla 4.


    thanks @Ninja but in the meantime I have discovered that I can no longer edit the pages composed before October 2021 (for me all) and I am quite desperate. I would therefore like to look for a way to get rid of pagebuilder and I would like to ask you what do you think of the path I am following in a local installation in J4.
    From the database (jabuilder_pages table) I took the html of the individual pages and inserted them into articles. In the custom.css file I inserted the code of the two pagebuilder templates I used. I must say that everything works fine except the animations.
    So I ask you three questions.

    The first is if in your opinion the path I followed has contraindications For example custom.css so big can slow down the site a lot? Or other problems that you think this road can lead to?

    The second question is if you have a not difficult method to also insert the animations that are declared in the html but obviously do not find the js.

    The third question is if on the live site, still temporarily in J3, I edit through phpmyadmin by acting on the jabuilder_pages table can give that problem. Doing a couple of tests it seems not, but I would like your opinion.

    Thanks in advance, Francus

      maybe you missed this information : https://www.joomlart.com/blog/news-updates/ja-page-builder-updated-with-html-editor
      If you want to recreate website you can submit the request on a forum thread here: https://www.joomlart.com/forums/t/ja-page-builder-pro-premium

      Add animation is not simple including css.
      Copy html is not a great idea, if your website is not big you can try T4 page builder that also work on Joomla 4 and has the same blocks as in JA Page builder.


        Ok i send you the request to recreate the site on that forum

        Regarding to use T4 instead of PB to convert in J4, the single page should be compiled from sketch or can I copy the html from the old site?



          ok, I will try in local to use T4

          in the meantime I sent the request to rebuild the site as per your instructions on the other forum

          sorry, installing "T4 Page Builder for Joomla 4" is enough?
          I see that there are also components, plugin ecc....

          ok I have read the instructions and have installed locally to do some tests. you told me that T4 has the same blocks as PB. But I do not find the possibility of doing that of the image that I am attaching. Can you tell me in which block I can find it? It was features-13 inPB but I don't find that layout in T4.Thank you

            Kindly do not merge other requests on this topic as this is related to JA Mason template information and Joomla 4 that already answered.
            If you have any new question about other products, make a new thread on the product forum tag with details of issue you are facing.

            Thanks for understanding.

            No problem 🙂 its just to make community better so your question may also help others

            Ninja locked the discussion.
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