I have an issue building my site ( Joomla 4.0.6 and T4 Framework with T4 Blank Template Bs5 1.1.3 )
I have change the default layout and I m getting some errors which stops the megamenu to drops .
Here is a screenshot : https://prnt.sc/26lyyj4
I have disable one by one the modules installed but no luck .
When I restore the layout to default the problem is resolved .
But why I have this issue ?
PS. I am giving admin access but please dont install anything .

    The issue appear from 3rd party extension slider, on backend the same page loads as frontend view for preview.
    But it does not make any change in the Mega menu.
    When u restore layout, it maybe possible your custom module position no longer show and error auto gone in that case.

    As I said I have disable modules one by one and still facing the problem.

    Now I have disable the 3rd party extension slider you re saying and still getting the errors: https://prnt.sc/26m8gj8 and also remove completely the row from the layout which the slideshow was applying .
    And again the menu is not dropping to see the menu items .

      5 days later

      I have disable everything except the module os_contentslider
      and I see in the console only errors from the template : https://prnt.sc/26p47my
      Can you please let me know how are you see the error comes from the os_contentslider ?

      I have install the module OS Content Slider in a clean Joomla 4 installation , I dont see any problem with it , and also I see and the title which in your template is not show , you can check at the link mysite/DEFAULT4/ (I have provide my site in the fields of the ticket)
      Or just change the template to Joomla default and you see the module has no problems at all .
      So it must be something with your theme .


        zorrox Or just change the template to Joomla default and you see the module has no problems at all .
        So it must be something with your theme .

        The issue is from the slider module loading jquery that making conflict for mega menu scripts. There is option in the module to set it NO and it worked fine now.
        You can check the module also published the menu showing now

        I am wondering why the jquery conflicts yours .
        Can I ask please why also the title of the module is not show in your template? Shows fine in a cleam Joomla installation : https://prnt.sc/26qgr3j


          You can set the Module position style to xhtml in the layout to show default output its by design.

          13 days later

          1. Any idea why in the mobile view the menu is not opening https://prnt.sc/7tOtoJUV3yLo ?
          2. Also can I ask the questionmarks you have are they supposed to show a tooltip at the mouse over or not ? As they not show anything https://prnt.sc/GKEl4GAe3VgN
          3. Can I ask please this module : https://prnt.sc/hYGgPcahffSS is somewhere where I can download to show the post of a blog category as I dont see it in the Joomla 4 by default I think .
          4. Can I ask please also if there is any pop up image function with the T4 Framework ?
          In my old site I had this : [yjsgimgs image="images/Site/Modules/map-icon.png" class="yjsg-lightbox" title="Map" link="images/Site/Modules/map.png" target="" effect="morph"]
          and click at the small image pop up a bigger image . Is there is something similar with the T4 Framework ?


            Kindly do not merge new topic with multiple request as this topic is for the dropdown issue and already resolved.
            Kindly open a new thread with each different topic and submit details with site URL , description and screenshots.
            This also help our community and makes support more responsive.

            As it seems the issue with the dropdown is not resolved completely, only in the desktop mode 🙁
            So can I ask about it please?

              I am checking the issue with dev team member for mobile mega menu icon click and update you here.

              Kindly check the issue is fixed on your site.
              File : path : plugins / system / t4 / themes / base / html / mod_menu/ mega.php
              Please take backup of this file if same issue on another site.
              Fix will be added in next updates.

              a month later

              Hello .
              The issue is happening again by choosing any header from the default ones https://prnt.sc/GS4bIMO3KTxJ in mobile views .
              And I have already updated to 1.1.4 versions of T4 Blank Template Bs5 and T4 System Plugin 2.1.4 .
              Can you please check ?

                This topic is for the dropdown menu not showing in PC

                Please check it is showing, for new topics please open a new thread with details of the issue and replicate steps to check.

                It also help our community.


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