Maybe time to give you a major heads up on EU developments as it impacts the use of templates. This is why I tagged it as a potential bug - it is something that may impact all published templates.
Hot, well, more lukewarm on the heels of Google Analytics being declared in conflict with GDPR in an Austrian Court comes news that in Germany, a court has declared Google fonts in conflict with GDPR too.
As Google fonts are in practically every theme I’ve come across, this ruling pretty much ends the use of them in the EU until companies start making themes without. The good news is that I have come across a few themes with an on/off switch for them, and I recall also seeing plugins which could remove them but it will all impact site design. Given the principles on which this judgement was reached I think it can be also argued that the same applies to any EU based website using Adobe Typekit fonts.
My suggestion to template designers would thus be to always make sure that any fonts from font libraries can easily be replaced with locally installed fonts - it will also speed up site loading.
If you create your own (with the all shiny new v2 T4 Page builder, of course) I would strongly suggest you keep this in mind if you're in Europe because this is no longer theoretical - these are court verdicts.
EDIT: forgot to mention that Google fonts are OK as long as you self host them, so best download and install them on your server. As for Google Analytics, have a look at Matomo as alternative.