Does JA Social Feed work with pHp 7+?
On Global config page of JA Social feed, wher do you use generated cron url?

    Hi tlryan

    JA Social Feed works well with PHP 7.

    With generated cron URL, when you open it, it will fetch data from social feed immediately.


      Thank you for reply.

      Important -- Does JA Social Feed work with pHp 8.0? That is what my site is using. Do you use wget? That has been disabled on my host and I would need to use curl or lynx command?

      When I use generated cron URL I receive Load error.

      Cannot load feed.
      /home/altern29/ (188)

      An error has occurred while processing your request.

      What should my cron command be on my side server? This is what I am using --
      * php -q /usr/bin/curl --user-agent cPanel-Cron /home/altern29/

      Should it include jatoken?
      Should I use curl command -- my host server does not allow wget with new pHp.

      Thank you.


      When I run cron from generated url I get Load error and incorrect path name. I am trying to get RSS feeds, not Facebook or Twitter.

      My host server does not allow wget. It requires curl. Could that be a problem?

      Also. When I run cron with generated URL from Gobal config page, what file is being accessed, on my host server.? What JA Social Feed file is token sent to? Thank you .


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