In attempting to set an item in the main menu, I am using mega menu. I need to add some items in the template side of the menu system, but when I go to add what I've already added in the menu system, it won't allow me to save it because I do not see a scroll bar top to bottom. I've tried several ways to grab it, but nothing works so far. I'm attaching a screen shot to help explain my problem.
I added the menu item, then went to template design for default. From there I tried to add the menu item to the first column under Divisions of main menu. I hope this is clear enough. I cannot afford to upgrade the template at this time, I've got too much time invested, and we are getting ready to launch. I know there was an upgrade, but it kept breaking the entire site because of the T4 plugin. There was supposed to be a fix for this, but instead I was told to wait and wait and wait. Then basically to upgrade to Joomla 4. I can't do that now.
Please help me fix this menu so I can do this for myself in the future. Thank you.
Pat Vanden Bosche