In the Joomla! 4 compatibility check, the Ad Agency Pro component is displayed with "No update required", so it is obviously basically executable under Joomla! 4.
Only the modules
- Ad Agency Remote
- Ad Agency Geo
- Ad Agency Zone
- Ad Agency CPanel
- Ad Agency Menu
are displayed at "Update information not available". Whereby only "Ad Agency Zone" is actively used by us in frontend. Possibly Ad Agency CPanel and Ad Agency Menu are still needed at most for full backend functionality?
So the Ad Agency Pro component is already compatible with Joomla! 4! So your programmers only need to make the modules Joomla! 4 compatible. So where is the problem, please?
Please don't leave your customers out in the cold and continue to develop Ad Agency Pro for Joomla! 4!
With many greetings and trust in your common sense