I'm using Header 10 and I'm struggling to find where I need to change the following text:
Welcome to Blockk - News & Magazine Template.
I want to use this line to display contact phone numbers, and want it to remain visible on mobile devices, so there's probably a CSS change I need to make on this also, so it doesn't disappear on smaller screens.
I am also trying to make my logo display larger than the col-5 col-lg-2 div is configured for (60px tall only?) Please provide the CSS or setting I need to change to show my logo at the desired size, say 198x90px.
I tried adding the following to the custom css, but it would only display wider, not taller, resulting in a squished version of what I want:
.logo-img {
width: 198px !important;
height: 90px !important;
The mobile sizing is good. So I only need to change it on the desktop and xl layouts.
I'm very new to Joomla 4. These are questions I would not need to ask in 3.9; but I've looked thoroughly and need a little guidance. Thank you!