Hello support I have few issues so let us start:

  1. If you log in on front end in the top right corner you will see User font-awesome icon with dropdown
    and if you click on it twice in a row, dropdown will not close after clicking outside of the button.

In the begining I was thinking it was module I was using (SCLogin from SourceCoast) but I was corrected and the issue was in t4 plugin js file
as you can read here in support ticket I created:


In file:

there's a block around the following statement:
// fix for multilevel dropdown
If you comment out that block of code, the opening and closing of the user menu appears to work correctly.

But I am tired of fixing it everytime after update.

  1. If you visit profile page and click on edit you will see various issues such as:
  2. Template style not being loaded and that includes modules, menus and anything I assign to those pages
  3. When you click on edit profile button offcanvas menu is open and can not be closed on mobile device
  1. If you go to register page and click on privacy or Terms and Conditions link pop up opens and on mobile devices it is a little bit out of order.
    I have done few tweaks via custom css but it only partially solved the issues regarding position of it and what is present before click.

If you disable my tweaks regarding it in custom css you will see white blocks as shown in image I included.
If possible I would like to avoid pops up all together and open new window for those articles showing privacy policy and terms and conditions articles. If not correct these issues and it will be fine.

Thats it for now.

Thank you!

    About the double click over the login part this is core change and make it in T4 may impact other users so it is not possible instant. I will raise to for dev team to check first.

    To load template style on edit profile In T4 there is option to use Clean layout. Open template site setting and use Full position layout :

    For terms condition part can you disable JCH plugin compression as all css and js highly compressed at the moment.
    And also fix the Joomla backend login htaccess for staff.

      Ninja About the double click over the login part this is core change and make it in T4 may impact other users so it is not possible instant. I will raise to for dev team to check first.

      Are you saying you need time for this?

      Ninja To load template style on edit profile In T4 there is option to use Clean layout. Open template site...

      Ok this solved the issue but on mobile phones when I click on edit profile offcanvas menu stays open and not all styles are loaded for example ones from my custom css file.

      Ninja For terms condition part can you disable JCH plugin compression as all css and js highly compressed at the moment.

      Same thing happens if you disable jch. If you delete css rules

      div#consentModal {
          display: none;
      div#tosModal {
          display: none;

      from my custom.css you will see those white blocks when you go to registration page as I have shown in image from firsat post.

      Ninja And also fix the Joomla backend login htaccess for staff.

      Login info is correct check if you are pasting space before username or pass...

      To spare you the trouble I have disabled compression of any kind right now.

      Thank you!

        Kindly do not merger multiple topic in one thread, always open a new thread for each different request that will avoid confusion and make the thread more supportive reply.
        Lets check the dropdown issue of login on this post first by our development team.
        For new request if possible for you to make different thread and subject it help community.

        Also update T4 to latest version as this will override the any core changes on the website.
        I also noticed the template you are using is a custom template, kindly use our own template Beauty Salon

          Ninja Kindly do not merger multiple topic in one thread, always open a new thread for each different request that will avoid confusion and make the thread more supportive reply.

          Ok will do.

          Ninja I also noticed the template you are using is a custom template, kindly use our own template Beauty Salon

          It is Beauty Salon just renamed.

          Ninja Also update T4 to latest version as this will override the any core changes on the website.

          It is updated to the latest. Core files are not modified.

          I will open topic per issue in couple of hours not including for dropdown not closing on click. It that ok?

          Thank you!

            Kindly use latest template as original, Rename products not supported as it no longer part of our product section for support.


              Ok I will create sub domain with your template not renamed for you to fix it tomorrow and let you know.

              Btw if you visit your own demo https://www.joomlart.com/demo/ja-beauty

              and open registration page you will see the same issue regarding white empty boxes present.

              Thank you.

                I have raised thee bug report for development team for fix on it in next update of the template.
                I will update you here once it get fixed.
                For 3rd party extension mega menu conflict kindly submit the test site login and FTP in edit fields options for staff.

                5 days later


                Hello Ninja yes I disabled access to my site as we agreed for me to create new topic per issue on non modified template so you can inspect everything.

                As per your remark yes I see that the issue is not there but screenshot in previous post has been made on your demo. So whatever you have done issue is not there anymore.

                I will update you when I create those topics and give you new access.

                Thank you

                  On our demo the template is updated and T4 as well. No more change . You can update and if issue remain same let me know with login.

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