- Edited
Hello support I have few issues so let us start:
- If you log in on front end in the top right corner you will see User font-awesome icon with dropdown
and if you click on it twice in a row, dropdown will not close after clicking outside of the button.
In the begining I was thinking it was module I was using (SCLogin from SourceCoast) but I was corrected and the issue was in t4 plugin js file
as you can read here in support ticket I created:
In file:
there's a block around the following statement:
// fix for multilevel dropdown
If you comment out that block of code, the opening and closing of the user menu appears to work correctly.
But I am tired of fixing it everytime after update.
- If you visit profile page and click on edit you will see various issues such as:
- Template style not being loaded and that includes modules, menus and anything I assign to those pages
- When you click on edit profile button offcanvas menu is open and can not be closed on mobile device
- If you go to register page and click on privacy or Terms and Conditions link pop up opens and on mobile devices it is a little bit out of order.
I have done few tweaks via custom css but it only partially solved the issues regarding position of it and what is present before click.
If you disable my tweaks regarding it in custom css you will see white blocks as shown in image I included.
If possible I would like to avoid pops up all together and open new window for those articles showing privacy policy and terms and conditions articles. If not correct these issues and it will be fine.
Thats it for now.
Thank you!