It seems now that I Can't connect Extension manager at any of my web pages.
It says: Please update the service setting or contact with service provider.
Extension manager offline
Same issue
Mee to, when I try to use Extension manager, please how can fix this? my account is active.
Same problem here. I've tried support chat on the website too. Since their big loss of data support from Joomlart has gone downhill. Come on guys get with it!!!!!!!!!!
Hello All
Kindly accept our apology for the issue you are facing.
This is server side problem and will be fixed soon. Our team is working on the problem to get it fixed as soon as possible.
There is server upgrade as well to avoid such issues.
Hello, Now I connect to your server, but when I use the check update button on plg_system_t4
it says No new version found, even if I have version 2.11
If I try to use the check update button for Masthead, it says:
Response from JoomlArt Updater Service: Sorry, this extension is invalid, unpublished or no longer supported: mod_jamastheadmod_jamasthead_j16
Please update the service setting or contact with service provider.
This happens on all of my pages that use T4
Regards Tor
Hi Tor,
The server team is changing the update server kindly wait for its fix. If there is any urgent update of extension, i suggest you to take backup of site and install latest version directly from download section.
Ok, I wait.