Hello, unfortunately I have to use Google translator because my English is not good.
I have a massive problem with the ja-blockk-Template (Joomla 4.1, PHP 7.4.26, only ja-blockk-Template and Event Gallery Extended 4.0.1 installed, I can't give access to the page because I created the page with Xampp edit locally)
First problem: The pagination causes a blank white page in the ja-blockk template. At the moment when the pagination has to be used, a white blank page appears. However, not always. It is not clear why this happened. The problem appears - as far as I could narrow it down - rather at the beginning (index page).
By the way, there is also a white blank page if you want to use the ® symbol (in the footer).
If I switch the template from "ja_blockk" to "Cassiopeia", the navigation works fine.
There must be a bug somewhere in the ja-blockk template script?!
What can I do?! Please help me. Thanks.