hi goodmorning i have a problem in my contact page. i saw that you apload a new file but its not working .any idea were is the problem? i am using joomla 4 GK hotel template "An 500 error occured during your request."
An 500 error occured during your request.
thank a lot my friend i fix it . my only concern now is that is saws only for development purposes and i cant change the terrain .
- Edited
you can use admininstrator username and pass
[Removed by Mods]
niaggeli Could you share the URL of page where I can see the error?
I just visited contact page on your site: https://taxidis.gr/epipla/index.php/epikoinoniste-mazi-mas but it's working.
i fix it yesterday thanks a lot for your time
saguaros locked the discussion.