I notice a strange effect:
installed a simple module before-after image slider (class="plg_content_beforeafter"), that allows to overlay two similar pictures and move a slider to change the view. Works fine, when configured in normal content article (see here; Menu PAZO - SLIDERTEST (3), link: https://pazo-chaioso.com/Pz5/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=124&Itemid=1456
Unfortunately the above method is not at all responsive, works only fine on Win10 PC, but not on mobile Android12, where the pictures are only displayed partly.
Therefore I configured a K2-item (article), identical configuration, to gain via K2 responsiveness.
The result now is responsive, but one of the pictures now gets on Android and PC minimized instead of moved, (see here; Menu PAZO - SLIDERTEST (4), link: https://pazo-chaioso.com/Pz5/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&layout=item&id=378&Itemid=1458
The effect is not depending on existing css rules or overrides. Screencast here: https://watch.screencastify.com/v/bjHBaVXdzOevrm56FmS2
Any suggestion?