at the moment I could use this tip:
1. create in Menu section an item "Featured news in all categories
2. use the link: .../index.php?option=com_content&view=featured&format=feed&type=rss
3. create in Component -> News Feed
a feed item with this link.
There are two issues:
1. this feed covers only Featured news, not all
2. this feed doesn't appear automagically in Home Page (where I put at the footer an "RSS module" to show automatically the page feed), that presents intead a link as .../index.php?format=feed&type=rss
with no actual feeds
The only other thing I could do is to put in the Menu an item RSS set as "Feed list from a category" to list all the feeds in News Feed component, where is set an "All news" feed among the others (catories)...
Is there a better solution?