Hi, I disable "JS pages" from admin but in frontend on home I still can see a widget called "JS Pages - No pages created yet". How can I completely disable this widget from appearing on frontend? Thanks!
david-w Strange, I tried to post this under "JomSocial" but it won't let me as a second tag was required to post and under JomSocial there is only 1 tag available.
david-w Hi I moved the post under JomSocial. On Pages kindly check if you disabled the page completely from backend > pages setting disable Page option. Also on module you do not have any JS Pages module published, as it published and not founding any page on site.
Hi Ninja
Disabling the JS Pages module solved my problem perfectly. It must have been newly added. Thank you for your help!
david-w You are welcome There are default module with name JS in module manager from Jomsocial installation.