
I'd like to have smaller logo when scrolling down the website like it's in your demo. However, if I understand correctly your answer here, logo in demo is text only but I need to achieve this with image. Is it possible?

    Try this code in custom.css and change the width height as per needs

    .t3-header.ja-affix-top .logo-control .logo-img, .off-canvas-right.off-canvas-open .t3-header logo-control .logo-img {
        height: 148px;
        width: 248px;

    Thank you, your code works. I have just one question - the change of logo size in your demo is animated but code you provided just switches from one size to another. Would it be possible to add the animation too?

      In the demo it us used as the text content so it work this way
      You can add this style in code i shared last post

      -webkit-transition: all 400ms;
          -o-transition: all 400ms;
          transition: all 400ms;
      5 days later


      the code you send me adds animation to the menu bar but not to the logo itself. Logo still "jumps" between two sizes without animation.

        You have to apply the above code for the Logo classes example i sent in the last post for logo width and height
        you added add on the same.
        I have not found the previous code in custom css for logo.

        I updated CSS code, could you check it now please?

          the code is working on your site
          you can add one more code for logo to make it better

          .logo {
              -webkit-transition: all 400ms;
              -o-transition: all 400ms;
              transition: all 400ms;
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