As i checked and shared there is no plan for them right now for Joomla 4. JB products planned for the Joomla 3.x support only.

a month later

As I have already written in other posts and I never received a clear and detailed answer, that's why have you given the chance to upgrade to Joomla 4 editors like Gavick and Shape 5 and left Joomlabamboo to Joomla 3. Why?
Technically speaking, what prevents you from upgrading Joomlabamboo to Joomla 4 compared to the other two editors? Why this choice?


    ... to begin the transition, updating just Buildr template (which is the master template of all the other templates that followed it) and Zentools would have been a good choice ...

      iorbita bitbee Hello,
      JB has a lot more products than Gavick yet less user demand, so it is hard for us to justify the upgrade to Joomla 4 considering that we have limited human resources.
      We hope for your understanding in this. Please let us know if you have request to switch to Gavick in place of JB.

      Sorry, I don't have much sympathy for this answer. This means nothing other than that your company has grown too quickly or that it was purely intentional to eliminate a competitor. Either way, both are perfectly legitimate.

      What is not okay, however, is that JoomlArt is simply letting this lapse and is only communicating on this topic now and only on request.

      With other competitors, I know that they make a general public announcement, visible to all, that the development of this or that extension will be discontinued. In this case, it would have made sense to make such an announcement at least half a year before the release of Joomla 4.

      About your offer. Thank you very much, but I was always convinced by the very tidy, discreetly elegant and above all almost timeless design of Joomlabamboo. I don't see any other alternatives of this kind on Joomlart and have already researched alternatives to this.

        ...from a design point of view, Joomlabamboo had a step ahead over its competitors, personally I would have left Gavick on Joomla 3… but this is just my opinion.

        Off Topic: Are the latest Joomlabamboo templates compatible with PHP 8.x?

          bitbee We did mention in this post last year that there wasn't plan for JB templates to be updated to J4. The reasons we gave above are genuine. Our team have looked into the JB products and found that they are too outdated and would take much bigger effort to update than other brands. Due to the limited human resources it's not possible for us to update all existing products as much as we'd love to do that.

          iorbita JB templates are not compatible with PHP 8.x, it's recommended to use PHP 7.x

          it would be interesting to know technically speaking what is "too outdated" compared to other templates and frameworks like Gavick or Shape 5, do you have examples to give me?

          Even if I'm disappointed that Joomlabamboo will not switch to Joomla 4, where I don't understand your team is the fact to not update php, knowing that php 7.4 will stop receiving security updates at the end of November 2022, here we speak about site security, which is an important aspect to ensure for a service which still remains paying.
          So my question is: why continue to charge Joomlabamboo if no update has been available for more than a year and no update is planned in the long term?

          Maybe you were too optimistic in wanting to take over the management of 3 new template editors or did you know full well that you would never have been able to manage so much work and that only a few of them would have been able to continue the adventure towards Joomla 4? Only you have the answer ...
          It is clear that if I switched to Joomlart it's only because I thought that Joomlabamboo would have continued to evolve, I was wrong or else behind this marketing stunt is just the desire to attract a maximum of customers to Joomlart, which is quite legitimate ...

          Others editors like Joomdev chose and managed better the stop of Joomla products than Joomlabamboo, knowing that their Astroid framework continues to be developed by Templaza and, last news, their templates and page builder will be maintained by Stackideas, we can say that it is a successful exit from Joomdev, they were conscientious of their customers...

            iorbita Hi,
            Joomla 3 is still being supported & maintained officially so we have the option for users who want to keep using it.
            In case the current users want to switch to a different membership like JA, GK.. they can contact us and we will gladly accept the request.

            Thank you for your understanding.

            ... so you have no intention to upgrade PHP to version 8 for Joomlabamboo? I have more than half of my websites using Build.r template ...
            PHP 7.4: end of support -> Novembre 28, 2022
            Joomla 3: end of support -> August 17, 2023


              I have more than half of my websites using Build.r template ...

              Please send us the list of templates that need to be updated to php8. Our dev team will check it.

                it seems that "Build.r" template is compatible with PHP 8 (8.0.8, I haven't tested PHP 8.1), the errors I’m getting are referencing to extensions that haven't been updated for a while.
                "Responsive 2" template also seems to be compatible, so apparently for the moment it looks like I’m lucky...

                My JB subscription ends up in 5 days. I have got doubts if it is wise to renew it because J4 wouldn't be supported?
                regards Tomasz

                  witraze Hi,
                  JB templates won't be updated for Joomla 4 so it is not necessary to renew now.
                  If we put out new updates in future you can always consider your options later.

                  3 months later

                  Would be a shame as zentools2 is such a strong extension.
                  Numerous content sources / types / layouts are available through the extension.
                  Can almost be a component when using the gallery option e.g. add text and images to each block.

                  It was intended to be a separate entity hence why it had two standalone demo/doc websites for each incarnation of zentools.
                  I never understood why we (a former employee of JA) didn't make more of this extension.

                  Buildr templates I was always told sat above Joomla so would be easier to update once joomla 4 came along but I'm not a coder 🙂

                  a year later

                  this is so disappointing. I have several websites using Buildr, zen tools and almost all Joomlabamboo extensions - I changed a few years back from Gavick because there extensions were not always compatible with one another and gave me lots of trouble. Buildr has worked perfectly with all extensions and I just love it and cannot understand why you won't upgrade it to meet Joomla 4. Gavicks products are just not as good, I know I used them for years.

                  To remake my personal websites is a bummer, but doable, but my customers websites...that will cause me so much work and I most likely will not be payed for it as we had "finished" the product/website according to their needs.
                  I'm not professional enough to switch from Joomlabamboo in a week or two, it will take me much longer because my customer has very specific thoughts of how things should be and I finally got there with JB Buildr.
                  I´ve payed almost 300 dollars a year and now there's nothing left, I have do it all again, both work and payment. I am so disappointed.

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