I have a problem on the home page. The videoWrapper plugin doesn't works, it says that YouTube doesn't allow it... (its in the bottom of the page) Can you help me please ?
Thank you !
Hi amaurice
It's best to contact the provider of that plugin for help on this case 🙂
ok... but i didn't installed this plugin it was in the quickinstall pack...
amaurice Could you tell me the exact name of this plugin? as I checked the same quickstart package but there is no videoWrapper plugin.
it was taking too long so i put the iframe of youtube directly... You can see it here https://www.joomlart.com/demo/ja-healthcare under the "Guide to Medicare" column <div class="videoWrapper"> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/AN8aTVy5hP4" allowfullscreen=""></iframe> </div>
amaurice It's embeded code only, could you share the super admin account of your site? I will take a look.
no worries it is ok now