I wanted to display articles from two categories, but they don't display. How can I make them display? What do I do wrong? How I set them properly like in Doctors page?
In the filter settings in JA Megafilter component, you need to set to show articles from selected root category:
It's showing now, kindly check.
Ok. I have another problem. I have two departments in my category list(Детская консультация & Женская консультация. Articles from both departments(categories) dispay in the same list.However I wanted to make selection list of departments in filter like in template doctors page in and also speciality list in filter. Would you explain how to do it properly? See the image
HI salamu
In demo site of JA Healthcare template, the department list is K2 extra field.
With Joomla articles, you can create a new field via Backend >> Articles >> Fields >> create new field with type of List and add info as you wish.
Ok. I solved it. I wanted to enable tag filter from base field, but I don't know where I should fill the data to enable it. I have added a tag to every article, but it doesn't display on my filter.Can I know where should I add the data for that base field? How can I solve that problem?
After making changes, you need to save the filter or index filter so it can update on frontend. I just did the same and the tag field is showing now:
Ok. Thank you