Hello. I need some help please . A. I need to have capital all the menu headings here : https://prnt.sc/GdfmA0s4YSY3 and I dont know why but when you click on a menu item from this https://prnt.sc/yDzsqbdXN2mR they are transform to not capital . B. Can you please tell me how to adjust the language switch button not to have so much space https://prnt.sc/vYozEGqf6cmA Joomla 4.1.4 and t4_bs5_blank - Default 1.1.6 Thanks
Hi zorrox
A- You can try this custom CSS code:
.t4-megamenu .navbar-nav > li > a, .t4-megamenu .navbar-nav > li > .nav-link { text-transform: uppercase; }
B- Try this:
div.mod-languages .dropdown-menu { min-width: auto !important; }