Hello Отделение and Должность labels and boxes aren't at the same top postion like Ф.И.О. layout. How can I put to those boxes to same top position like Ф.И.О. postion.? See in the image Also I want to hide shop by text. How can I do it?
You can try this custom CSS:
.ja-filter-wrapper .filter-content h3.block-subtitle.filter-subtitle { display: none; }
I have pasted it, cleared the cache, but it doesnt work.
salamu It's weird as I just added for you and it's working. Kindly check.
Yes. It's working. But I had also another question, How can I put the layout boxes to same top position like Ф.И.О. postion?
salamu Could you share screenshot of how you want it should be?
I want to make margins of filters boxes in the same top position to Ф.И.О. box. See in the image.
You can try this:
.ja-filter-wrapper .filter-content .filter-field + .filter-field { margin-top: 0px !important; }
I've pasted it, cleared cache, but it doesnt work. Do I have to put it to different file?
salamu You put into the wrong file, it should be:
I updated for you and it's working now.