Hello all,
So I am going to try and make this make sense.
So I finally updated my website to J4 since the Simpli template was ready for the new version of Joomla.
In the version of Simpli for J3 when you turned on positions, they had predefined positions. Such as Sidebar 1 was assigned to position-7 and Sidebar 2 was assigned to position-5.
After upgrading to J4 and installing the update to Simpli, it appears that positions are not as they were before. Sidebar 1 is still assigned to position-7 but because I was not using Sidebar 2 (prior to updating everything to J4) the default position showing is after-content-full (which this is a position I created in the t3-bs3-blank template and a position I am still currently using on some pages).
So now in J4 using the updated Simpli template, all positions I had turned off - if I turn them on they are assigned to after-content-full. When I use the dropdown selection to Select a Position - it only shows the positions that are in use (in all templates styles I am using on the site).
For instance, if I wanted to turn on Sidebar 2 and assign it to position-5 - position-5 is not in the dropdown selection.
I'm pretty sure this is confusing and I have attached a few images to hopefully help with what I trying to explain.
I have updated all other templates and plugins that I am using on the site to t4. This could be where the problem lies? I'm guessing I will have to update all pages as best I can to Simpli then reinstall Simpli again?
Sorry for the overthinking of this all but thought I'd post in case others are seeing the same issue.