Perhaps I'm expecting more from this block called Joomla Articles/Categories. When you read the page where the block is located, and click on the title to read the full article, the article page is not formatted very much at all. Text is edge to edge on the page, there is no link to take you back to the page you came from or to a homepage. And the article info text is run all the way to the right margin, with the title sitting right on the left edge of the page. Is this still under development? Is there a way to fix this?
This screenshot shows how it looks on the page where the block is used. There is no Read More, no indication there is more to the article:
And then if you should happen to click on the article title, you get the article on page as follows. The title is jammed right to the left of the screen. The article info is jammed right to the right of the screen, and the article itself is edge to edge with no spacing for easier reading. It looks like someone forgot to fix the article.