Hello Support Team,

Off Canvas menu doesn't close after clicking a menu item. Both websites are affected. Both use Joomlabamboo template One Page 1.4.2 ( https://www.joomlabamboo.com/joomla-templates/one-page ).

This issue already occurred with template version 1.4.1 on both websites, which was fixed at the time by Joomlabamboo Support within my Joomla installation on the web server. They also provided me with a fixed version of the template - please see the attached data in the file JB_Onepage_J2.5_J3.2_v1.4.1_fixed_menu.zip. Below you will find the corresponding topics in the old Joomlabamboo Support Forum:


Apparently, however, Joomlabamboo Support has neglected to incorporate the bug fixes already carried out for template version 1.4.1 into template version 1.4.2 and to make them available for download in the customer area. Therefore, this issue can now be found again in the latest version of the One Page template.

Please inform me whether I could carry out this troubleshooting myself. Should this be possible, I would of course need detailed information about what I have to change in which files. I did not receive this information for template version 1.4.1.

Thank you very much!


Hi Leo,

I can click to open/close the off-canvas normally on your sites, could you check again?

Hi Saguaros,

No, unfortunately it does not work as expected.

It should work in a way where the Off Canvas Menu closes immediately after clicking on a menu item. And unfortunately it doesn't, it just stays open. In other words, the Off Canvas Menu with all menu items should disappear after clicking on a menu item on the left side of the viewport. Afterwards, only the burger icon should be displayed in the place of the Off Canvas Menu to open the menu again.

It should basically work like in the following website: https://www.eibesthaler-passion.at/ This is not a one-page website, because there are also submenu items for subpages. In principle, however, it works here as expected. Please try the navigation of this website. This is how it should work for the problematic websites I mentioned. If the Live Previews of the Joomlabamboo templates were still online, you would be able to see the correct behaviour of the Off Canvas Menu there too. But unfortunately the Live Previews are no longer accessible. You can also take a look at the Off Canvas Menu "More" from https://www.joomlabamboo.com/. Like here, the menu should also work in my websites.


I got your point, could you share the super admin account + ftp account so I can take a look?

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Thanks for the info, let me check and will get back to you.

3 months later

Hello Saguaros,

I have been waiting for a solution to my problem for three months now. At the very least, I would have expected some feedback as to whether or not you were able to locate the problem. However, you have not sent me any information on this since August this year.

I have paid my licence fees for the JoomlaBamboo templates regularly over the last few years. In return, however, I received almost no more software updates because JoomlArt let the JoomlaBamboo templates die. Last but not least the support does not work anymore to solve problems of the template, which were not caused by me.

I am now very disappointed and angry with JoomlArt.


Hi Leo,

I'm terrible sorry for this lateness, somehow I missed this topic.

I will check with our developer on Monday and get back to you.

9 days later

Hello Saguaros,

Is there any news about my problem yet? Have you talked to the developer yet?


Hi Leo,

It turns out that the former Joomlabamboo team customized T3 framework and add the onepage feature for their own template. With 'onepage' design, when you click, it will scroll down to specific section only. It doesn't like the normal navigation in which when you click to open a menu item, it will reload the page and redirect to correct page.

I checked the demo site of this JB Onepage template and it doesn't work with off-canvas by default. The onepage navigation
is not suitable to work with off-canvas in this case. Could you use the collapsed navigation instead?

Hello Saguaros,

Thank you for the information. I will test your suggestion.

Greetings, Leo

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