Greetings! We are getting this url from somewhere, and the all mighty google is not liking us for it.
Can you pleas einform us of where to find it, or what to do about it? Thanking You!
It belongs to AdAgency Zone module, you can go to file:
and comment / remove line 84:
<img src="<?php echo JURI::root()."/modules/mod_ijoomla_adagency_zone/tmpl/blocker-question.png"; ?>" />
Great! Thank you.
Please show me exactly how to do that, along with the correct syntax. is it this: #<img src="<?php echo JURI::root()."/modules/mod_ijoomla_adagency_zone/tmpl/blocker-question.png"; ?>" />
Which file, how do I edit that php file from where? Thanking you 🙂
You need to access File manager section in your hosting or use FTP client to access files/folders of your site.
Then go to root folder of your site >>/modules/mod_ijoomla_adagency_zone/tmpl/default.php
and remove that line 🙂
That was the ticket - thank you!
You're welcome 😉