this might have already been answered somewhere, but I am not able to find the proper solution.

I've created the website using the Alpha template. Everything works fine. I changed the metadata everywhere I could think of: in the Global Configuration, Menu pages, and so on. When the website is loaded, it correctly shows the names of the website and of each particular webpage.

But, when I search Google for my website, Google finds it under the name:
Professional Joomla business template for consulting ...
Professional Joomla business template for consulting business, agency and startup - JA Alpha.

How can I correct this issue?

Kind regards,


Hi Zoran,

These text are browser's page title and meta description set in the home menu item, kindly check this home menu item on your site again and change the text there.

And if GG caches the old info of your site, you may need to wait for the update.


Thank you very much Saguaros!

However, it is not the case. We changed all possible descriptions in both Home page menu item tabs, Page display and Metadata. It was done quite some time ago and it should have been reflected in Googly by now, at least because when the Home page is open in browsers it displays as a title in the tab of the window the proper text written in the Browser page title field.

Obviously, Google pulls these Professional Joomla texts from somewhere else and I cannot figure it out from where.

Kind regards,

You can share URL + super admin account of your site, I will take a look.

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