Yes, the system is failing to deliver a custom Failed message that we have placed inside the quiz.
Instead, it generates the system fail message which reads something like:
""You failed this test. Unable to enter the next class, please contact the teacher! Lynn Yang More info"
At this moment, we only created one quiz.
If going into our backend, you can click the quiz to see the issue.
We have created a custom message under fail which is not displaying on the front-end.
If using the credentials.
You can go to:
Which takes you to the course that is now published for your review.
Then find the lesson named:
"Agree/Disagree 第1组测试题"
This is the actual quiz.
(it will have an eyeball, because its the only lesson visited for this example)
Pick some answers; which will probably be incorrect.
Then it will generate the failed message at the top, just not the custom failed message.
Let me know, if you run into any snags.
thanks so much