I have 42 joomla sites. All updated to latest Joomla 3.10.11.
19 of these sites I have updates from php 7.4.30 to php 8.0.22 successfully. (all shape 5)
20 of these sites when tryingto update to 8.0.22 pop a 0 - Unsupported operand types: string * int error.
3 of these sites pop a implode(): Argument #2 ($array) must be of type ?array
When I turn on error reporting and debug system it gives this;
templates/outdoor_life/vertex/parameters.php on line 77
and this is what is on line 77:
$admin_options[(string)$item['name'][0]] = (string)$item['default'][0];
What do I need to fix on this line? Is there any thing else to look at?
I saw in one post one of your techs provide a file; vertex-php8x.
Is that something we can download to fix this?
Thank you.