- Edited
Hi Guys,
I have been looking into this. As the description says, the off canvas menu shows the title Off Canvas, sometimes T4 Off Canvas. See below.
The issue is that when the site does not have a logo, it shows the default off canvas title which is "T4 off canvas" or "off canvas'. It depends on the page.
This file /ja-stark/plugins/system/t4/themes/base/html/layouts/t4/layout/offcanvas.php
<?php if ($logo) : ?>
<img class="logo-img<?php echo $logo_sm_cls; ?>" src="<?php echo $logo; ?>" alt="<?php echo strip_tags($site_name); ?>" />
<?php else : ?>
<?php echo $offcanvas_title; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
At line 70
<?php echo $offcanvas_title; ?>
should probably be something like
<?php echo strip_tags($site_name); ?>
With this change, it shows the website name. Hopefully you can update that in the next release.
Hopefully it helps someone else.
Result below: