Hi ! I put a video in my web but i can not see it when i use a cellphone Can you help me? Thanks
The video is not allowed to auto play on mobile in most browsers, you can make a search for autoplay on browser of your mobile device that you're using.
saguaros thanks , but why I can see the video on this web on my cellphone https://garciaorthodontics.com/ but my web not
Could you share the super admin account of your site? as the provided account doesn't work now.
saguaros Done ! The user is already working Thanks
Could you check it now?
saguaros thanks it works! Please can you tell me what you did ? Thanks!!!
Our team added this custom JS code so it can work on mobile:
jQuery(document).ready(function() { if(jQuery('.hero video').length > 0) { jQuery('.hero video').attr('playsinline',''); } })