as mentioned here before. I really need to see the Page where the Module Positions and Variations from the Template EVO NEWS.
Its not reall yuserfriendly to avoid to show thsi important Informations!
thx in advance!
as mentioned here before. I really need to see the Page where the Module Positions and Variations from the Template EVO NEWS.
Its not reall yuserfriendly to avoid to show thsi important Informations!
thx in advance!
Thx for the response.
I like to know the available Positions. Gavick always used this Feature plus the Module variations.
Could you polease provide those Informations.
Otherwise im not going to renew my Subscription.
You can see positions in my above screenshots
I have notified the GK team to update the two specified pages for the template.
In the meantime, you can review the documentation for this template at the following link: EvoNews Template Documentation. This documentation provides detailed instructions on configuring each module available in the template.
If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Our team updated 2 news pages in the footer section: https://evonews.demo.gavick.com/index.php/module-positions
Please check it out.