1/ Can you help me to do the same thing as on the old template of this site https://declic-eco.fr/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=category&virtuemart_category_id=6&Itemid=158 for this new site (made with JA MEGASTORE) https://declic-eco.fr/clone_ysts_jzewq/index.php?option=com_hikashop&view=product&layout=listing&Itemid=301 This is the box that appears in green when hovering over a product
2/ the ideal would be also to make appear the button [buy] at the same time Regards
I'm afraid this one is not our template: https://declic-eco.fr/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=category&virtuemart_category_id=6&Itemid=158
Hello I know, it's just to go from the old template to JA megastore. You had already helped me with similar points.
hdcms I've been working in many tickets so I'm afraid I don't remember, could you share that ticket / forum link?
HI you have helped me on other occasions, not especially on a shop effect.
I just realized that you're using Hikashop for this template.
In order to have the same effect like for Virtuemart, I'm afraid that you have to customize it much. I suggest you to hire a developer to get it done for you.
HI I also suggest that you make another version of JA megastore for hikashop with this kind of effect that changes a lot the look of the product category.
hdcms At this moment, it supports VM only, I will forward to your development team for further consideration.