Running a test site with JA_Alpha (quickstart) template.
On the Contact page (using the Default version of the template), the cta-decor.svg image is retaining the original red color despite the fact that I have altered the Theme Color and Palette colors. I assigned primary color to now be a blue tone, and everywhere else on the map, including the SVG image used with the JA ACM Module located on the Home page, have all changed correctly.
.contact .plain-style .contact-information .inner {
background-image: url("../images/cta-decor.svg");
background-position: bottom right;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
padding: 36px; }
I've tried to resolve the matter myself, but failed. The fill color of the cta-decor.svg should be the primary assigned color, which I've changed. I can alter the above code to background-image: none; to get rid of the image, so this is the correct place to try to get the SVG image to fill with my primary blue color assigned in the CSS.
All of the Theme Colors and Palette colors have been changed for all of the template variations so that they are all the same.
Somewhere this SVG image is getting a hard-coded color, but I've been unable to find it. Seems like there should a class assigned like .decor-primary or similar. Again, haven't been able to resolve this issue.
This has been an issue since I first installed this months ago. Currently running Joomla 4.2.3
Are you able to reproduce this issue when using the quickstart version of JA Alpha? Please advise.
P.S. I have not uninstalled the quickstart template version, which I could do, and try installing just the JA Alpha template and not the quickstart version for Joomla 4.