I need your help, I would like to add the social network icons with their respective link in the top menu according to the following image and add the tiktok icon in the footer. https://prnt.sc/EvNqIbbBVKIf
Thank you.
diermava Hi
I think you can add social icons into a custom HTML module and assign to 'search' position
saguaros Hello,
I already enabled the search module but I don't know how to insert the html code, could you help me by indicating how I should do it?
Thank you for your help.
If you're not familiar with code, you can find a 3rd party extension for social icons and assign to that position.
I used custom_6 to insert the social network icons because in the search position it didn't work.
Is it possible to change the position of custom_6 so that it is above the menu, change the height of custom_6 and change the background color to white?
I updated this file a bit to move the custom_6 position to above the header:
Kindly check.
Hello saguaros
I would like to know how I can change the background color of custom_6 in the internal pages, I would like you to tell me where I can modify it. https://prnt.sc/dxuif1RQsBoP
And also how could I add the tiktok logo in the footer because I can't find this logo. https://prnt.sc/OIE54CuSrgbb
It looks like you already changed the background color of this custom_6
Tiktok is new, the icons library in this template are old and there is not Tiktok icon there unfortunately.
Yes, I changed the color in custom_6 but this color is not visible in the internal pages, can you help me by telling me where I can change it? If you navigate to any other page the background is grey.
I updated custom CSS in file: /templates/charity/css/custom.css
Kindly check
Can you help me with this las post please.
Hi Diego,
It looks like you customized the index.php file of template in Joomla 3 version to put the breadscrumb to the top of page. I recommend you to compare these 2 index.php files between 2 versions and update the same again for the new file.
saguaros Hello, I have been waiting for a response for 10 days to a ticket I posted, where I have problems with the main menu of my site, I hope for a prompt response because I have not been able to publish my site due to this error.
Thank you,
But don´t work on https://nuevo.fundaciondiegoylia.org.co/ the main menu because does not display the submenus on mouse hover (La Fundación, Programas, Comunidad, Impacto).