How can I filter by custom fields that are set at the profile level?
1.I have created conditional content (using regular labs) Example: Hi looks like you're "single" update your profile.
1a. Here <marital-status> is custom field (with options married, single, divorced) applied at the profile level.
- I want to apply filters to content based on custom field (s) at the profile level (ex: <marital status>) so that a user can filter content by the <marital status> options (married, single, divorced) so that if the user selects a <marital status> of "single" from the filter, then the filter will return/display content.
Regular labs extension does the rendering/display of the content based on the conditions setup , but I need the ability to filter by the profile level custom fields, and I don't see that option
Additional info, I have one article with content blocks. Each block is marked up (using regular labs conditional content extension) to be displayed if the user meets the conditions. So all users may see the article, but depending on the condition set, they may or may not see the rest of the content.