• JoomlaBamboo
  • Error w. Joomla 3.10 / PHP 8.0 / Template Buildr / Zentools2

Hi - I have trouble with my website using the tempalte build.r and the plugin zentools2 - sind the php version 7.x is no lnger supported.

  • joomla version: 3.10.11
  • php-version 8.0
  • zentools 2: version 2.4.8

I have the following errorr messages:

Warning: Constant ZEN_ALLOW
already defined in /customers/2/a/c/lesplaines.eu/httpd.www/templates/buildr/error.php on line 13

Warning: Constant WP
already defined in /customers/2/a/c/lesplaines.eu/httpd.www/templates/buildr/error.php on line 16

Warning: Constant JOOMLA
already defined in /customers/2/a/c/lesplaines.eu/httpd.www/templates/buildr/error.php on line 17

Warning: Constant TEMPLATE
already defined in /customers/2/a/c/lesplaines.eu/httpd.www/templates/buildr/error.php on line 20

Warning: Constant ROOT_PATH
already defined in /customers/2/a/c/lesplaines.eu/httpd.www/templates/buildr/error.php on line 23

Warning: Constant TEMPLATE_PATH
already defined in /customers/2/a/c/lesplaines.eu/httpd.www/templates/buildr/error.php on line 26

already defined in /customers/2/a/c/lesplaines.eu/httpd.www/templates/buildr/error.php on line 27

Warning: Constant TEMPLATE_URI
already defined in /customers/2/a/c/lesplaines.eu/httpd.www/templates/buildr/error.php on line 28

Warning: Constant FRAMEWORK_PATH
already defined in /customers/2/a/c/lesplaines.eu/httpd.www/templates/buildr/error.php on line 29

    Hi projektforum

    At this moment, JB products are ready for PHP 7.x only, we have no plan to update to PHP 8 and Joomla 4 unfortunately.


    Hello, we are facing the exact same issue actually, and were told in a chat two days ago that if we posted in the forum ourselves a developer would fix it for us. This is after I was assured a couple of times in that chat that ALL Joomla Bamboo products, templates and extensions were already PHP8 compliant! We have just upgraded our subscription to include JB in order to seek the proffered support so I really hope @saguaros is mistaken in his reply to you.

      5 days later

      Hi artful

      To be honest, we have limited human resource and working full time in updating Joomla 4 + PHP 8.x for our enterprise extensions + templates and monthly template. Once we get these tasks done, we will check on this compatibility of JB templates with PHP 8.

      For now, kindly share the login credentials of your site eg: URL + super admin account + cPanel hosting info so we can switch PHP version on your site and check directly for you.


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          6 days later

          Hi Saguaros, Has there been any progress on this please? Thanks


          As I mentioned above, it's not going to happen soon as the team are still working full time on updates task and month template.

          Pls use PHP 7.x for now.

          I will let you know when having news.


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