since there is no ACL setting that allows a user in "Publisher" group to edit a β€œT4 page builder” element in the front-end and thus to use it, what solution do you give about front end editing? Or is there an option that I missed to activate?

Hi Lorenzo,

Let me check with T4 Builder team and get back to you.

... yes thanks, it's quite urgent...
It seems that only users belonging to "Super User" group can edit front-end elements?

Yes, it seems that only Super users can edit now. I will check with T4 team on this and get back to you.

... what is the point of giving access to edit a page in front-end only to a Super User!? ... totally nonsense and useless! πŸ™ˆ πŸ‘Ž

    iorbita I think there is issue with recent Joomla update only as other user groups should be able to edit with granted permissions . T4 Builder supports that feature by default πŸ™‚

    ... could you fix this?

    I shared with our T4 team to get it fixed, kindly wait.

    8 days later

    is it possible to fix this please? it's quite urgent

    5 days later


    I've not received news from our dev yet, I will remind again.

    8 days later

    Unfortunately, there is still no news on this yet.

    6 days later

    After one month nothing has been done by Joomlart developers for a problem that is in my opinion constraining for a correct use of Joomla and your component.
    Do you think a responsible behavior for a tool that you define professional?

      Hi iorbita

      We fixed this issue, you can backup these files:


      Download attached file >> unzip and copy & replace above files:

      4 days later
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