I think there is a bug when saving elements as "Shared Blocks" (the problem is not present with "Saved Blocks").
A black background is generated each time on the back-end, on the front-end it seems that the display remains correct
Have you noticed this bug too?
Short screencast


Hi Saguaros,
... no change, I put login access to the back-end, it's a test site so you can try on your side. Thanks.

It's weird as when I tried to do the same with shared block, it worked properly.

As you can see that I saved a block called 'jatest' >> I set the background color >> saved block and it's showing the same.

Hi Saguaros, I really think it's a bug with T4 Page Builder...
I tried on another clean Joomla installation with T4 Blank as the main layout and then with only Cassiopeia template, the result is exactly the same so it's obviously that it's a T4 Page Builder bug... it's quite annoying 🙁

short screencast

I've shared this to our T4 Builder team for further checking, I will keep you posted.

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