Hi again...
I would like to use JCE File Browser inside T4 Page Builder, apparently is not compatible with your component, why?

I contacted Ryan at JCE about this and he told me that it looks like Joomlart are using some custom override methods on the Joomla Media field, which are inaccessible to the JCE File Browser. He told me to ask you how to rectify this.

It is important for me to be able to use JCE File Browser because I can set permissions on image folders.


PS: From Ryan and for reference -> "from what I could deduce from the T4 code, I have attempted to solve the issue by triggering the following event when the input element is updated, but this does not appear to work"

$(document).trigger('t4:media-selected', { selectedUrl: field.basePath + this.value });

Hi iorbita!

I agree with you on this issue, but this was not always the case as I added images using the JCE File Browser a few months ago, when adding images to the home page. The process does still work with JCE, if you are adding images to a Custom Module with T4 Page Builder, but it appears not be the case now with the Page Builder if the component is used through a Menu Item.

A temporary solution, for just adding images to your T4 Menu Item pages, is to switch to the Joomla native Media Manger for selecting images. You can do this through the JCE Component, by clicking on Options > General Options and select “No” for the field “JCE File Browser in Image Fields” and switch back to “Yes” when done. Perhaps this will be helpful until this problem is resolved.

Mr B

Hi Bazab and thanks for your reply, I’m aware about this option in JCE, but for me it’s essential to be able to use JCE file browser because it allows me to create permissions on folders.
The same issue is present also with Quantum Manager so that explains the problem is related to Joomla Media field in T4 Page Builder and I expect a solution (I hope quickly) from Joomlart.
Anyway, thanks again for the interest in this issue 😉

Hi guys,

You're right, at this moment, T4 doesn't support this file browser, I will share with our T4 team for further consideration.


… so if I understand correctly you don't intend to fix this problem!?

Very bad news.

Another negative point for this page builder which suffers from a lot of bugs but now also doesn’t integrate properly with other extensions which are flagship components on the Joomla portal, in this case JCE and Quantum Manager.

It is also obvious that I have once again made the wrong choice with Joomlart (the other wrong choice was to trust you with Joomlabamboo).
I realize that every time you say that you are going to communicate bugs to your developers team it takes weeks without nothing is done, honestly this is not serious... what’s wrong with yours developers?

I also think I was a bit too quick to write my positive review on JED about your T4 Page Builder, it's obvious that my opinion changes more and more negatively every time I use it 👎

    Hi iorbita

    This is 3rd party extension, not the default feature of Joomla. We will consider a feature added if there are more people interested in that feature as we have limited human resource and we have large collection of products to maintain / updates and new monthly template too.

    I hope you understand.

    ...Saguaros, what I understand is that your component is isolated from Joomla API and it's extremely buggy, I use Joomla since 2009, I never used a component so buggy as yours.
    Sorry about that, but that's the feeling I get when using your page builder...

      4 months later


      It would be a great if not an invaluable asset to have either the ability to use 3rd party file choosers within page builder forms or have a built in element to support file uploads within a form.

      It is a feature many of us use in order to allow clients to attach screenshots or other documentation when they complete a form.

      As it stands, the page builder forms are quite limited.

      I understand the limited human resources, we all suffer from it right now and I can live with the sparse and non existent documentation for most features but the more we explore the joomlart templates/t4 framework/t4 page builder, the more evident it is that it will be difficult for us to consider using these products in commercial deployments in the long run.

      It is good publicity to have new products/templates and so on every month and hundreds of templates etc but if they lack core functionality, it is difficult for us to justify our ultimate developer bundle.

      Sometimes, less is more, especially when you don't have the human resources to support them all.

        solutionsids Hi

        Thank you for your feedback! we appreciate it.

        About JCE conflict issue, if you're using latest version of T4 Builder already, you can backup this file:



        Download this zip file >> unzip >> and replace above file

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