Are you aware that images in your page builder have absolute URL’s? This means that sites developed locally or in a sub-domain keep this URL and the address must be changed manually in the code. Why didn't you use a relative URL?

Even worse.

Blocks code belonging to “Shared Blocks” is not editable, so how can I modify URL’s?

I thought I would save time by using your page builder, it's exactly the opposite, it's counter productive, I wasted more time trying to solve how to work around your bugs than concentrating on building a page in a productive way.

I'm the only one who notices all these bugs?

    Hi iorbita

    Kindly share the login credentials of your site and tell me the shared block name + page that you're trying to edit, I will take a look

    the shared block is the footer, it is not possible to edit the code and thus change the URL of the logo. There is only one page built with the page builder.

    ...you don't answer me why images have an absolute URL and not a relative one, as you can see in the test site all images refer to another domain...

    Could you also tell me why the browser console is still giving errors about loading photos from my local site when site is in a subdomain? Please check on your side.

      Hi iorbita

      These are default features in T4 Builder: absolute path and the shared block. I will share with team for further consideration.

      Will keep you posted.

      These are default features in T4 Builder: absolute path and the shared block. I will share with team for further consideration.

      in my opinion this is a very bad choice for both features. Finally Page builders are mainly for novice users, how will they change URLs in the code?

      Could you also tell me why the browser console is still giving errors about loading photos from my local site when site is in a subdomain? Please check on your side.

      ... why the console continues to display URLs of my local site?

        iorbita I don't see that error in browser console now, kindly check.

        6 days later

        ... any news about absolute URLs?

        Not yet, I will update here if there is new update 🙂

        ... so how to change URLs in shared blocks??

          6 days later

          iorbita May I know which URLs you want to change? and the block name so I will look into it.

          Saguaros I reported this issue 15 days ago, if you look at the thread you will read that the URL is for the image in the footer.
          Changing this URL can help me now but the problem will arise for each image that will be inserted in the shared blocks... why did you make these blocks inaccessible? It's a non-sense...
          In which file are these blocks coded?

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