Problems with umlauts (Ö,Ü, etc.) in places, in Google Maps Field - Example "Place of work
Hi fabster82
could you share the login credentials of your site eg: URL + super admin account and URL of page where I can see above issue?
I'm not quite sure of the issue on that page:
Could you tell me how it should be?
Hello, your arrow points to a country you entered yourself. The is in the parenthesis is generated by the Google Location field. This is an error.
fabster82 Let us check and will get back to you.
fabster82 Hi, Could you tell me which chars is needed to put to searchbox to get autocomple result like this?
Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz (Zichygasse 4, 1140 Wien, Österreich)
This will be helpfull for debugging. Thanks.
Ö ö Ü ü Ä ä ß
fabster82 Hi, This doesn't help much. Could you tell me how to replicate this issue step by step? Regards
Hello, I can't explain it exactly, but the problem no longer exists. Thanks for your effort! Greetings Fabian