Hi, Where can I find the area where I can change the words 'Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need more help' in contact area.

Thanks in advance

A good tool for finding strings like these is Wingrep. It is a free tool that allows you to search a set of folders for any string of text.

So to find a string like this you can download the template only, unzip the folder then do a search using wingrep.

This leads to the language folder where inside you will find a file called en-GB/en-GB.tpl_ja_gamex.ini

This contains all the language strings used in the template including the one you are after. You can simply edit that string in a text editor and save the file with your edit. You may need to clear your cache for it to display.

in your case you edit the text at line 100 inside the "" marks

TPL_CONTACT_OTHER_INFORMATION = "Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need more help."

Personally I do this on my desktop using the free notepad++ editor then upload my edited file

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