The default colors for the Insight template are close to our official colors, but I need to modify the 132e5e hex color everywhere to something else. Which less file references this hex color so I can change it globally? I also need to set a new color which I may create a new tag for. We have blue and Gold, and I'd like to use the gold color for buttons, and possibly other accents. I've looked through some and search, but I cannot find this hex number, but I can see it when Inspecting the HTML on the website.

    Hi abccomputer

    132e5e is brand primary color of template, you can open this LESS file:


    Look for this declaration:

    // Brand colors
    // -------------------------
    @brand-primary:         #132e5e;
    @brand-secondary:       #aa8844; // T3 Note: Add secondary color
    @brand-success:         #5cb85c;
    @brand-warning:         #f0ad4e;
    @brand-danger:          #d9534f;
    @brand-info:            #5bc0de;

    and change the @brand-primary: #132e5e; variable to your desired color.

    If your site has Development Mode off now, you need to compile Less to CSS to see the changes:


    Let me know if you need further helps then 😉

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