I am trying to convert my site to Joomla 4 and have removed some plugins and completed the migration. Template Arthur I could update, but S5 Flex Menu latets version is from 2018 and accoring to the test this plugin could have some problems. After the migration i get an error: 0 - Cannot access protected property Joomla\CMS\Menu\MenuItem::$params. I don't know what to do. My site should look like my old site : https://coaching2magic.nl/
I think a got a long way to go...please help. My testsite is at http://install.sitecase.nl/

    saguaros Thats just the problem, i used the update and have version 1.05 running which should support Joomla 4.

      sitecase Could you share the super admin account + ftp account of your site? I will check the code for you.

      Hi, you are aware that this information is available to us all?
      I think you should edit the post, send the data in a personal message and then change your codes.

      -Your friendly neighbor

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      hidden content
      5 days later

      I updated the file: root/templates/curb_appeal/vertex/responsive/responsive_mobile_menu/default.php
      line: 53, 75


      Kindly check.

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